You can get away with nothing if you use a carb drink but it's probably not recommended. If you bonk it's shitty trying to find a shop for food..
The 120k at Willesden Reliability I did on Sunday was done on one bottle of SIS electrolyte drink and it was a pretty hard ride.
You kinda need to experiment a bit to find what you can do.
Try carrying food and see where you start to slow/get angry/get tired/etc. Note your pace. Do it again. You get an idea of what you can get away with.
You can get away with nothing if you use a carb drink but it's probably not recommended. If you bonk it's shitty trying to find a shop for food..
The 120k at Willesden Reliability I did on Sunday was done on one bottle of SIS electrolyte drink and it was a pretty hard ride.
You kinda need to experiment a bit to find what you can do.
Try carrying food and see where you start to slow/get angry/get tired/etc. Note your pace. Do it again. You get an idea of what you can get away with.