• nimhbus Bring Me My fix - as a relatively inexperienced cyclist, compared to someone such as your good self, would you say that 48 :18 would be ok on my knees, or should i go lower? i really don't want knee trouble. and i ride up my share of hills..

    I'm not that experienced. I think it's quality of experience rather than quantity that counts. Just listen keenly to what your body's telling you, and don't ignore it.

    70.5" sounds pretty sensible. Just try to avoid 'explosive' starts (especially whilst seated), as those kind of forces are what stress your knees the most (and very aggressive skidding). Of course, going a bit outside your comfort zone is part of what riding fixed is about, and GRADUALLY increasing force/speed/duration is great for keep bones and joints in good nick as you get older.

    Or whatever.
