I've found Putney Cycles a bit unusual. I've been in there a few times, got student discount once from the manager (spent about 70 quid) but then another time (60 quid on a jacket) he said that they've never done student discount. Rather strange.
Took a faulty light bracket back in, got served by a youngish guy, short, long black hair. I explained to him everything, had receipt. He just seemed to smirk constantly, and told me he would have to check with his manager, which I thought was fine. He then told me they didn't have any in stock and that I would have to wait a week. Obviously this isn't good when I have to commute every day to uni, and suggested that he take a bracket out of a light set, give it to me, then when the new ones come in just replace it back in the box (they're resealable). This took him ages to understand, and it should have taken 5 minutes to get the whole thing sorted.
Maybe I was in a foul mood that day, but he just came across totally wrong and it's put me off going there again, even though I thought it was great beforehand.
I've found Putney Cycles a bit unusual. I've been in there a few times, got student discount once from the manager (spent about 70 quid) but then another time (60 quid on a jacket) he said that they've never done student discount. Rather strange.
Took a faulty light bracket back in, got served by a youngish guy, short, long black hair. I explained to him everything, had receipt. He just seemed to smirk constantly, and told me he would have to check with his manager, which I thought was fine. He then told me they didn't have any in stock and that I would have to wait a week. Obviously this isn't good when I have to commute every day to uni, and suggested that he take a bracket out of a light set, give it to me, then when the new ones come in just replace it back in the box (they're resealable). This took him ages to understand, and it should have taken 5 minutes to get the whole thing sorted.
Maybe I was in a foul mood that day, but he just came across totally wrong and it's put me off going there again, even though I thought it was great beforehand.