OCD [quote]badrider the poxy prince george e8 half an hour ago
Shit!!!!That fucking pub again!!!bike was stripped of parts there about a month ago. I reckon the prince george is one of the worst bike theft hotspots in london everyone knows some one who has had stuff teefed there!
Eyes peeled in Hackney[/quote]
i was going to say, i'm sure someone else had there bike stripped there.
never take bike to the prince george, it's a hipster hotspot in a land of crime.
Shit!!!!That fucking pub again!!!bike was stripped of parts there about a month ago. I reckon the prince george is one of the worst bike theft hotspots in london everyone knows some one who has had stuff teefed there!
Eyes peeled in Hackney[/quote]
i was going to say, i'm sure someone else had there bike stripped there.
never take bike to the prince george, it's a hipster hotspot in a land of crime.