but art IS and always has been a tool of power. even today, most art theory and critique is purposefully kept toan elite clas through the use of dense linguistic habits. almost all art from russia in the earl half of the 20th century was used as a tool to 'enable the people' aka keep them in check/productive. in the middle ages and rennaisance artistic practice was controlled by guilds which maintianed high fees for art education and kept out (most of) the riff raff. it's all still art. even if you don't like it.
but art IS and always has been a tool of power. even today, most art theory and critique is purposefully kept toan elite clas through the use of dense linguistic habits. almost all art from russia in the earl half of the 20th century was used as a tool to 'enable the people' aka keep them in check/productive. in the middle ages and rennaisance artistic practice was controlled by guilds which maintianed high fees for art education and kept out (most of) the riff raff. it's all still art. even if you don't like it.