hassanr a lot of art serves political or social purposes, and then one could also look at medeival painting/sculture which was all spiritual, functioned as an object within a space, aided supplicants in their prayers, etc, etc. but i do agree that most art falls into your category, i just wouldn't limit it that way (especially since the bikes in question propbably won't be used, like alot of those designy bikes, they're to look at, not touch). form doesn't dictate function.
then it serves a useful purpose, and is a tool not art. asteic appreation may be a mesure of the effectiveness of this tool, and a mesure for art, as tensil strength is a mesure for steel, and copper, yet steel is not copper, and art is not usefull
if they are made to take something usefull and turn it into something useless then they are simply a waste of energy and resources that would be better spent.
then it serves a useful purpose, and is a tool not art. asteic appreation may be a mesure of the effectiveness of this tool, and a mesure for art, as tensil strength is a mesure for steel, and copper, yet steel is not copper, and art is not usefull
if they are made to take something usefull and turn it into something useless then they are simply a waste of energy and resources that would be better spent.
this is what i mean when i say art sucks.