I don't think it would be that popular, scott. I can only speak for students on my course, but the only reason people ever bring laptops in is when there's a lab report deadline, and usually you have textbooks, lab book, lecture notes etc and all the other crap you need. The least I ever carry is a ring binder, pad of lined paper, pencil case, and a drink - never just my laptop. You hardly ever see people using them in lectures - pen + paper all the way.
I don't think it would be that popular, scott. I can only speak for students on my course, but the only reason people ever bring laptops in is when there's a lab report deadline, and usually you have textbooks, lab book, lecture notes etc and all the other crap you need. The least I ever carry is a ring binder, pad of lined paper, pencil case, and a drink - never just my laptop. You hardly ever see people using them in lectures - pen + paper all the way.
edit: that new bag looks sweeeet