rg37 hello conan cant really help with the setting up but may be able to help you out once your up and running with the boring bits once you have filmed stuff, i work in a post production house, so give us a shout if you need help with Dubs and that sort of malarkee. i know it may be some time away but thought i let you know.
good luck on the set up.
Thanks for the offer, but i already have a project lined up with MTV for the rest of the year so will be able to use all their stuff. Will keep me busy for a while at least. Will keep it in mind for future projects though. cheers.
Thanks for the offer, but i already have a project lined up with MTV for the rest of the year so will be able to use all their stuff. Will keep me busy for a while at least. Will keep it in mind for future projects though. cheers.