Fixedwheelnut Get a comfy bike and an average gear and you can go as far as your legs will take you fixedwheel stories
Love Sean Yates's contribution:
Hi, thought you might be amused by a story of mine. Back in 87 when Ii was preparing to ride the Nat Pursuit Champs I thought it would be a good idea to ride my fixed in a 10, Ii did a two up with my good friend Brian Philips, I think he was in the Manchester Wheelers at that time, Ii rode a fixed 97, he had gears, the course we rode was the Q10/19, if you are not familiar with this course it has a massive ski slope start, you go over 50mph, anyway, Ii decided not to bother to fix any brakes to the bike, which meant I was pedalling rather fast down that hill, in fact I thought I was going to come a cropper, I did not have a lot of leg speed at the time having just come out of a 25 day long TDF, its not the type of thing I would encourage other people to do. We ended up doing a 19.11, no tri bars in those days. And for the record Ii finished 2nd to Tony Doyle in the Championships. Cheers Sean *
Love Sean Yates's contribution:
Hi, thought you might be amused by a story of mine. Back in 87 when Ii was preparing to ride the Nat Pursuit Champs I thought it would be a good idea to ride my fixed in a 10, Ii did a two up with my good friend Brian Philips, I think he was in the Manchester Wheelers at that time, Ii rode a fixed 97, he had gears, the course we rode was the Q10/19, if you are not familiar with this course it has a massive ski slope start, you go over 50mph, anyway, Ii decided not to bother to fix any brakes to the bike, which meant I was pedalling rather fast down that hill, in fact I thought I was going to come a cropper, I did not have a lot of leg speed at the time having just come out of a 25 day long TDF, its not the type of thing I would encourage other people to do. We ended up doing a 19.11, no tri bars in those days. And for the record Ii finished 2nd to Tony Doyle in the Championships. Cheers Sean *