you should have put the maybe at the start of the comment then, in that case.
before he tightened his spokes and fucked his wheel right up, causing a knock-on effect that resulted in half of the Fulham road being mistaken for a banana by a troupe of cannibalistic midgets (who proceeded to worship it as a Deity) and holding up traffic for two hours until the Samaritans were able to send a negotiator.
you should have put the maybe at the start of the comment then, in that case.
before he tightened his spokes and fucked his wheel right up, causing a knock-on effect that resulted in half of the Fulham road being mistaken for a banana by a troupe of cannibalistic midgets (who proceeded to worship it as a Deity) and holding up traffic for two hours until the Samaritans were able to send a negotiator.