Over the last week or so - since my bottom bracket service - I've been hearing a ticking sound too, Nimhbus. What's causing it is a total mystery to me, but just like you, I only ever notice it when I'm pedaling hard. As soon as my backside's off the saddle, or when I'm pulling hard on the bars...tick...tick...tick. It's quite a friendly, inoffensive noise. I mean, I've not been having sleepless nights over it. Still, it would be nice to get rid of it.
For a while, I thought the sound was emanating from my handlebars. Rather stupidly, I don't have any sort of grease at all between the bars and the clamp. That theory's been shelved, though, because I reckon I get one click for each complete revolution of the cranks. That suggests it's coming from the drivetrain, right?
Och, I dunno. Let me know if you find out the cause of your problem, please.
Over the last week or so - since my bottom bracket service - I've been hearing a ticking sound too, Nimhbus. What's causing it is a total mystery to me, but just like you, I only ever notice it when I'm pedaling hard. As soon as my backside's off the saddle, or when I'm pulling hard on the bars...tick...tick...tick. It's quite a friendly, inoffensive noise. I mean, I've not been having sleepless nights over it. Still, it would be nice to get rid of it.
For a while, I thought the sound was emanating from my handlebars. Rather stupidly, I don't have any sort of grease at all between the bars and the clamp. That theory's been shelved, though, because I reckon I get one click for each complete revolution of the cranks. That suggests it's coming from the drivetrain, right?
Och, I dunno. Let me know if you find out the cause of your problem, please.