• #102
That's really sad. I sent him a "thanks for the website" sort of email a fortnight ago, and got a really nice rely within the day. He said that he loved the Internet: it allowed him to tell me how to service my bottom bracket, even though we've never met and I'm thousands of miles away.
My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
• #103
Should we start talking to all the other forums about this? I am about to post a link to this thread on ctc.
• #104
How does this sound?
to ctc:
Dear friends,
A forum of London fixed wheel/single speed cyclists have been talking about some kind of commemorative ride, and perhaps donating for a charity for that Mr Brown's family might nominate.http://www.londonfgss.com/discussion/4085
I would hope anyone who might be able to attend a London event from here will feel free to join us, and spread the word. It'd be nice if we could all join forces.
Many thanks
Ben Leighton -
• #105
Skullhead, sounds good to me.
• #106
Maybe hold on until there is a actually an idea or route planned otherwise people will have a look and find nothing here.
• #107
yep. Just a draft.
Lets get the Richard Ballantine Human Powered lot in too. Who else?
• #109
dont know if i will be back intime for a ride, but let me know where donations are headed... i feel like its the least i can do for the memory of a man that showed me so much.
• #110
Commemorative bike ride sounds like great idea. Count me in.
Over on FGG they are discussing a another one of their build contests, this time in memory of Sheldon. Entrants will strive for the ugly/beautiful, ultrafunctional and idiosyncratic spirit that's in all Sheldon's bikes. It's gonna be one to watch out for.
• #111
I've been working late and have just found out! I'm shocked.
May he rest in peace, He was a true accidental hero to my eyes. Someone who just acted on his convictions, with the good of others in mind.
A total contrast to those motivated by money or ego, he was also a champion of the democratic nature of the internet.
A real loss.
• #112
portland is doing an aprilfools day ride for him in honor of his old april fools emails... i like that idea. check out the portland Kboo bike show for details.
April fools Sheldon memorial ride
1Chris Crash -
• #113
• #114
no progress on a memorial ride anyone?
spent a little bit of time checking out Sheldon's journals for links to London. Looks like he liked the Kew Bridge Steam Museum having visited it back in June 2004.
One option could be for a ride out there, visit one of the pubs he mentions in his journal and drink a big hairy pint in memory of the man.
Another option would be for a longer (have to be much longer) ride to one of the other places he visited in the UK - Bath, Bristol, Leamington Spa, Padstow!!
I haven't checked to see what other sites/riders are arranging as I think a lot of us on here really used his site for all things fixed.
• #115
yay lets do an april fools ride
• #116
I ride past that steam museum on the way to RP (so I've been seeing it a bit lately).
Then, let's go to Bath! :) -
• #117
it's a city - you won't actually get to be naked and wet with other men.
well, probably not.
• #118
Skullhead yay lets do an april fools ride
central london loop or down to the steam musem?
• #119
'Sheldon is my co-pilot'
that quote was used for a snowboarder called Craig Kelly who brought a lot of riders a lot of pleasure, but I think that it applies perfectly to Sheldon. Spoke card words?
• #120
Bath is probably the worst place I can think of for a fixed ride unless you stick to the town centre!
Steep hills galore!
Would like to do a ride round London though
• #121
yeah just a london ride, more inclusive.
a memorial for the man (Jonny's idea sounds good) rather than an epic slog.
something for everyone, not just fixers
• #122
sounds like a plan. lets knock out a route central wise oxford st an picadily sound like must hits
• #123
and spoke cards?
• #124
yeah where is a creative when you need one..
• #125
You worked for creative did you not Chris? Get your crayons out!
Or he may have stated he would prefer money to a charity instead of a plant, I don't know but perfectly possible.