• #2
good luck.
• #3
i hear the faint rumble of guns being rolled into position
• #5
I have set, with tyres, but unfortunately they are just over the border of Islington.
• #6
bought a langster for the vellodrome what.
i have pink arrospok you wan fitty dorrah.
• #7
langster with tubs. who'd a thunk it, what with them real aggressive track lines and all.
• #8
i really really really want a picture of that... on the velodrome next to some kick ass track bike.
• #9
what? you mean a langster with tubs is not a 'kick ass track bike'.
• #10
only if it says god save the queen, and has an arrospok
• #11
done...bought new
a front black shimano 700 and a rear aluminium one.....quite a big upgrade for my '80 frame
• #12
well done. who said it couldn't be done for under £50?
(me, actually)
• #13
pj langster with tubs. who'd a thunk it, what with them real aggressive track lines and all.
First generation of the langster (before the orange one) had a track geo frame.
• #14
the black one. almost. sort of. not quite.
hi guys, I'm looking for a used (but in good condition) wheel set....27 or 700 doesn't matter...better if it has tires included
the byke is an '80 raileigh ss
cheap....let's say no more than 50