Not an addition, but a problem that possibly needs looking at, unless a) it's been discussed already, and b) it's just me, or c) both.
When you enter your comments, THEN add a link your text gets repeated for the script for the link, then repeated again underneath!
Boo-hoo maybe, but it's annoying if you want to quote someone then add a link. Unless you know how the codes work, but sometimes I just want to be a lazy feck.
Not an addition, but a problem that possibly needs looking at, unless a) it's been discussed already, and b) it's just me, or c) both.
When you enter your comments, THEN add a link your text gets repeated for the script for the link, then repeated again underneath!
Boo-hoo maybe, but it's annoying if you want to quote someone then add a link. Unless you know how the codes work, but sometimes I just want to be a lazy feck.