RPM [quote]adoubletap Freaky thing is prompted by a throwaway comment by someone (I think RPM?) about his likely longevity I downloaded the entire website on Sturday just in case.
Together with the Harris Cycles catalogue there's 275MB of info and pics on that site!
It wasn't meant as a throwaway comment as such, I knew he was on his last legs and I think his work needs to be kept in the manner it deserves.[/quote]
Sorry, throwaway wasn't really the word I was looking for either; I work for hospital that manages hundreds of people with MS who go on for years and I thought speculation about his demise was a bit premature was all.
It wasn't meant as a throwaway comment as such, I knew he was on his last legs and I think his work needs to be kept in the manner it deserves.[/quote]
Sorry, throwaway wasn't really the word I was looking for either; I work for hospital that manages hundreds of people with MS who go on for years and I thought speculation about his demise was a bit premature was all.