roxy So let's get a bunch of stupid signs, old bike frames, furniture, and the like and lock it out in front? I do believe there is a designer or two on this forum who could help us make some flyers.
I think the points should be:
London doesn't care about bikes
Police don't take bike theft seriously
Bicycles are some people's only affordable way to travel around this city
Bicyclists deserve support
Criminal damage of personal property will not be tolerated
Businesses who don't support bicycling shouldn't be given custom
Mean people suck.
(may I throw in) Brick Lane should only be for cycling and pedestrians
The cops know that bike theft and stolen bike sales are in the open on Brick Lane and do nothing.
Everyone loves a bit of arrospok
Come on now you creative people, draw dammit draw!
roxy I also think it's important that flip is there.
So I say we go nuts tomorrow night or monday next week.
I don't want your anger to die down and laziness to set in by Monday, but that would give those nifty designers hanging about some time to scam free prints of their spiffy protest signs and fliers.
Sounds good I think flip should be there too I say monday next week. That way we can try posting on a few other forums local forums (ideas people is c+ still going) to tell flips story and try and get some more support.
Sounds good I think flip should be there too I say monday next week. That way we can try posting on a few other forums local forums (ideas people is c+ still going) to tell flips story and try and get some more support.
Bigger numbers is better.