Cylced across a junction the other day, nowhere near being in front of a car. He starts hooting at me and at the next set of lights pulled over into the cycle lane to try and cut me off. It was sheddy Renault clio with about 5 people in it. As he stopped, one of the rear seat passengers starts growling, slightly oddly "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you"
I tried to stay away after that, but I think with 5 people in a Clio I should have been able to cycle faster than their car...
Cylced across a junction the other day, nowhere near being in front of a car. He starts hooting at me and at the next set of lights pulled over into the cycle lane to try and cut me off. It was sheddy Renault clio with about 5 people in it. As he stopped, one of the rear seat passengers starts growling, slightly oddly "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you"
I tried to stay away after that, but I think with 5 people in a Clio I should have been able to cycle faster than their car...