• #2
Scattante means "arse to mouth" in Italian..
• #3
thats the funniest thing ever
• #4
depends on what you like but cheap frames form us are easy to find
http://cgi.ebay.com/07-Fetish-Cycles-Attack-Track-Messenger-Bike-Frame-59cm_W0QQitemZ200195065234QQihZ010QQcategoryZ98084QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem -
• #5
If you do import from US, don't forget that you will get stung for the import duty as well.
• #6
not neccesarily so far i have order three expenisve items and been hit once
a fram got through no charge
as did expensive hubs no charge
another frame charged - it depends on the price of the frame and still if you order enough cheap things - under $200 - you can usually get away with it -
• #7
I got done with my heart rate monitor and then decided "fcuk them" and got my mate to bring me 2 x cranky goodness..
• #8
i feel like such a mule, just got another thing to carry back from the states.... grummbels stupid girl friend grumbel
• #9
chris crash i feel like such a mule, just got another thing to carry back from the states.... grummbels stupid girl friend grumbel
oh that reminds me, there must be something big and heavy i can get you to bring back,
ebay.com here i come, thanks for the offer mater ;) -
• #10
2 bikes already, and thats just my stuff... how many bikes fit in a box?
• #11
depends on the size of the bikes
the last frame i had shipped was trying to escape from the box, damn my long legswhen you coming back chris?
• #12
both of mine are 61s so huge.
dont know for shure shooitng for around v-day
• #13
is that valentines day or victory day
also what frames you got, i'm a tall fella so if ya need to ditch one (i highly doubt this but one can hope) i might be able to help you out
• #14
what is victory day?
i might be temped to sell my pista, its been a decent winter bike, kept it stock as i have not been messengering and dont want to build it perty in the middle of winter... make an offer if your interested.
• #15
nah, steel is not my thing - sorry
pista concept, i would be on you in a second
Cheap track frames from the US.
Came up on FGG recently. Looks nice and with the exchange rate probably 125-150 shipped here.