Best thing ever said to me on my bike? "You look great" by the very sexy french girl who worked in our cafeteria / bar. She was having a fag out the back as I was wheeling my bike to the garage, wearing fixed shorts and a cycling cap - a look most girls don't really 'get'. I was dumbstruck and mumbled something incoherent, doing a good impression of a pubescent 14 year old. She went back to france to study a few weeks later - I never got to come back at her with a decent line :o(
Best thing ever said to me on my bike? "You look great" by the very sexy french girl who worked in our cafeteria / bar. She was having a fag out the back as I was wheeling my bike to the garage, wearing fixed shorts and a cycling cap - a look most girls don't really 'get'. I was dumbstruck and mumbled something incoherent, doing a good impression of a pubescent 14 year old. She went back to france to study a few weeks later - I never got to come back at her with a decent line :o(