indeed, it's more hetero than pastel coloured oury grips and spazzospoks.
I used one of those spesh things (might have been lowed down the food chain than the s-works, but still £1400 or whatever) to go down to that hillclimb. I absolutely hated it in traffic (freewheels and aero brakes suck in town) but it was nice on the open road, superfast.
gave me a really bad back cos it was too small and the bars were too low, but one can't complain about free things
indeed, it's more hetero than pastel coloured oury grips and spazzospoks.
I used one of those spesh things (might have been lowed down the food chain than the s-works, but still £1400 or whatever) to go down to that hillclimb. I absolutely hated it in traffic (freewheels and aero brakes suck in town) but it was nice on the open road, superfast.
gave me a really bad back cos it was too small and the bars were too low, but one can't complain about free things