Got well and truly totaled on Tuesday night, in fact I consider myself very very very lucky to have got away with a broken collar bone and cuts and scrapes to my head, neck and shoulders. Minor things like (maybe we're not sure) putting my head through their car window eye socket first but without damaging the eye, lucky lucky boy.
According to the police it'll take up to a month for the accident info to reach the department that deals with such things, then up to six months for them to investigate. After which, if I so choose I can then take legal action against the driver. I'm self employed and will be unable to work for eight to twelve weeks, so I'll have to take action for compensation, has anyone done this? Was it OK? A pain? Expensive? Useless? Know a good solicitor?
LCC have a few recommended so that was going to be my starting point next week.
Hi All,
Got well and truly totaled on Tuesday night, in fact I consider myself very very very lucky to have got away with a broken collar bone and cuts and scrapes to my head, neck and shoulders. Minor things like (maybe we're not sure) putting my head through their car window eye socket first but without damaging the eye, lucky lucky boy.
According to the police it'll take up to a month for the accident info to reach the department that deals with such things, then up to six months for them to investigate. After which, if I so choose I can then take legal action against the driver. I'm self employed and will be unable to work for eight to twelve weeks, so I'll have to take action for compensation, has anyone done this? Was it OK? A pain? Expensive? Useless? Know a good solicitor?
LCC have a few recommended so that was going to be my starting point next week.