• #2
you need a 15mm snap on type wrench that reaches in
• #3
Yeah a 15 mm socket will do.
The only problem may be if you use 1/2" drive socket set some times the socket can be a bit chunky and not fit in the gap and you have to go down to a a 1/4" drive set. Just give it ago.
• #4
Cheers gents, any danger of over torquing, I have a 30 cm breaker bar..;)
• #5
Not all sockets fit (as Tommy says), but you can get cycling specific one that are pretty low profile. You can over torque it, but they need to be done up tight so it's pretty hard. I usually go for bastard tight with a 15cm lever and not had any problems so far :)
• #6
I'll take the crank to the hardware store thanks gents
• #7
Maybe replace the existing bolts with a pair of 14 mm, run-of-the-mill offerings when you do finally get them off. I did this on Sunday cos I couldn't find a socket with thin enough walls. I'm sure Sheldon says something on his website about those Campag bolts being notoriously difficult to shift. Anyway, I'll be able to use my Park 14mm crank wrench from now on.
• #8
I have one of those tools thats a pedal spanner at one end and has 14 and 15mm sockets at the other end with pretty low profiles. Pretty cheap and very useful tool, does for pedals, cranks, front and rear axle nuts.
• #9
Know where I can get one of them on-line
• #11
ta, steve, I live in Paris I'll ride out to vincennes to the only decent bike shop around here
• #13
the name's Aaron, stevo is a long out dated nickname from school. don't know why I still use it online, laziness probably.
• #14
stevo_com I have one of those tools thats a pedal spanner at one end and has 14 and 15mm sockets at the other end with pretty low profiles. Pretty cheap and very useful tool, does for pedals, cranks, front and rear axle nuts.
this is what i use, very handy :D
• #15
£4 on ebay, only 40mins left.
• #16
i got one of those spanners too. and i actually have another one that's a socket type thing came with my crank puller for even less than what i paid for that spanner.
• #17
Aaron, I like that name, its biblical - I going to try and pick one up manana
For 15mm crank bolts on Campagnolo Record Cranks
Will a 15mm socket do or do I need a special tool
I now it sould daft but all my other bikes have allen bolts