Careful buying bits before you take the originals apart.
I've had two Carlton frames through my hands, both with different sized headsets and bottom brackets.
I did manage to successfully remove the cotter pinned cranks on the cheaper of the two, and found the BB to be a raleigh 1" size that normal BB's wont fit. I haven't yet built this up, but did manage to get a BB that fits. Search for "YST threadless" I think.
Careful buying bits before you take the originals apart.
I've had two Carlton frames through my hands, both with different sized headsets and bottom brackets.
I did manage to successfully remove the cotter pinned cranks on the cheaper of the two, and found the BB to be a raleigh 1" size that normal BB's wont fit. I haven't yet built this up, but did manage to get a BB that fits. Search for "YST threadless" I think.