Looking to build up a bike for a friend of mine. So I'm looking for a bike to rebuild and do a bit of tinkering with. But I'd also be interested in any frames anyone might have knocking about. Not SS or fixed I'm afraid. Plan is anywhere from 3 speed upwards. Either steel or alu but has to be a ladies frame. Size wise...not too sure about sizing with women's frame. Girl is about 5 ft 7.
Looking to build up a bike for a friend of mine. So I'm looking for a bike to rebuild and do a bit of tinkering with. But I'd also be interested in any frames anyone might have knocking about. Not SS or fixed I'm afraid. Plan is anywhere from 3 speed upwards. Either steel or alu but has to be a ladies frame. Size wise...not too sure about sizing with women's frame. Girl is about 5 ft 7.
Anyone got anything they want to sell??