BillB [quote]eeehhhh There was an article on some news web site, maybe BBC news, where a guy claimed damages from a council because the pot hole was so big and it buckled his rear wheel. So it is possible. The cyclist-haters said that we shouldn't be able to though, because we don't pay road taxes. :S
Yep, but I thought 'road fund license' was used to maintain the motorways and council tax used to maintain local roads, so cyclists have as much right as anyone.[/quote]
it ISN'T 'road tax'. it's car tax. Vehicle tax to be more specific, and the revenue that comes from it is NOT used to maintain the highways.
Yep, but I thought 'road fund license' was used to maintain the motorways and council tax used to maintain local roads, so cyclists have as much right as anyone.[/quote]
it ISN'T 'road tax'. it's car tax. Vehicle tax to be more specific, and the revenue that comes from it is NOT used to maintain the highways.
tell that to the next motorist that tries it on.