• #2
He must be a cyclist!
• #3
They are trying it out in Chester...
• #4
I've heard Kensington are trying out a policy of removing road markings which apparently makes better driving miraculously happen too.
• #5
The Walworth Road redevelopment also has some features of that to make it more ped friendly - lowering curb heights, removing barriers, altering the pavement / street colours and textures to make it less like the Highway to Hell that it was before.
I've not noticed much improvement in Car driver's attitudes to anyone, but when you walk down it, you do feel like you 'own' it a little more than before.
• #6
There was a power cut in Kennington the other day - hence no traffic lights. Scared the crap out of me. Mind you, I think people would learn to deal with it.
I cut through a park to avoid it, and took a tumble when I slid on some mud. Conclusion? Parks are more dangerous than roads without traffic lights.
• #7
That is ridiculous, quite a few motorist need to be controlled by an unresponsive system.
Cyclists have a hard enough time as it is staking their right of way. -
• #8
Fit bikes with laser guns
• #9
dangerMouse Fit bikes to sharks with laser guns
• #10
Not a good idea. Drivers don't observe ASLs, how the hell are they going to cope with no traffic lights.
Aside, I wouldn't like it. The junction between Old Brompton Road and Exhibition Road would be awful every morning for me...
• #11
hmmmm 'are those bikes with lassssserrr guns'? why not remove the 'agressive, I m going to use my vechile as a weapon' part of the human brain and replace it with unicorns.
• #12
One shark bite and they'd soon pay attention. Especially if it had a fricken laser attached.
• #13
i spend a lot of time on the walworth project as its now called. apparently it was based on king street in hammersmith?? one thing to note is this...they actually have taken out many of the bus lane sections that provided a safe place to cycle with better vision of you coming up the road. walworth has always had a problem with people randomly crossing the road, especially at the natwest bank and east street market. but they have actully narrowed the road meaning that in order to get past the traffic you have to be pretty lucky not to get a random step out of a pedestrian between cars that are now much tigher together. also it isn't quite the tree lined boulavarde that was shown on the promotional bunff they sent out. and i think a grand total of about 5 new sheffield bike stands have been put in 'to encourage cycling'!!
• #14
Why not take out the unicorn part of the human brain and replace it with lasers?
• #15
|³|MA3K Why not take out the unicorn part of the human brain and replace it with lasers?
• #16
there's a unicorn part of the brain.damn i must have missed that day.but seriously,what happens at night?All good in the day in a small village or town but try take the lights away from marylebone or west way.I'd love to see that.
• #17
big richy i spend a lot of time on the walworth project as its now called. apparently it was based on king street in hammersmith?? one thing to note is this...they actually have taken out many of the bus lane sections that provided a safe place to cycle with better vision of you coming up the road. walworth has always had a problem with people randomly crossing the road, especially at the natwest bank and east street market. but they have actully narrowed the road meaning that in order to get past the traffic you have to be pretty lucky not to get a random step out of a pedestrian between cars that are now much tigher together. also it isn't quite the tree lined boulavarde that was shown on the promotional bunff they sent out. and i think a grand total of about 5 new sheffield bike stands have been put in 'to encourage cycling'!!
Based it on King St?! Blimey, someone had a screw loose. It's alright down there, but it's probably because there's hardly any traffic compared to other roads like Fulham Palace and along Brook Green.
• #18
A few moons ago, when studying for my Social Anthropology MA, I spent a bit of time looking at the notion of 'risk'.
Spacial Anthropologists and a few cerebral design-types all noted that if you point out all possible road-risks in an area with glaring lights and neon, then everyone seems to drive worse as they feel that they aren't at risk, and are somehow safe, and therefore have more accidents. If, by contrast, you were to provide a reasonable, 'mediocre' level of warning, notification, and illumination, then everyone keeps their awareness sharp, whilst admittedly complaining about it more, yet therefore also actually have fewer accidents.
It is under a similar logic that fixed gear riders are so often 'safer' than your average 18 gears, a creaking chain, and a pair of worn-down rim brakes cyclist. The element of risk means that we strive harder to avoid it, and thus get caught out less often.
It's pissing with rain, and we know that skidding to a stop whilst gunning down from City Road is going to be tough, so we control our cadence and thus speed, expand our peripheral awareness, and stay on the look out for those open doors, hidden pot-holes and dumb-arse peds. Obvious really.
Except when we're drunk and cycle into the parked car on the corner of the street where we live, of course. But then that's not really our fault is it?
• #19
Except when we're drunk and cycle into the parked car on the corner of the street where we live, of course. But then that's not really our fault is it?
Damn I thought nobody saw that! I just ran out of road...
• #20
An interesting idea pinched from a Scandinavian country (Denmark I think). It would be really good to see how it worked though. Guaranteed cabbies would still be a law to themselves though.
• #21
**The element of risk means that we strive harder to avoid it, and thus get caught out less often.
It's pissing with rain, and we know that skidding to a stop whilst gunning down from City Road is going to be tough, so we control our cadence and thus speed, expand our peripheral awareness, and stay on the look out for those open doors, hidden pot-holes and dumb-arse peds. Obvious really.**
Well I think that just about sums it up really the only thing I would add is that as counter intuitive as it may sound riding aggressively seems to be safer that riding passively.
• #22
Get rid of roundabouts - this is the only country to have quite so bloody many of them
• #23
get rid of 'cycle lanes', 90% of the time they are more dangerous than the open road
• #24
foucault anyone?
• #25
eeehhhh Not a good idea. Drivers don't observe ASLs, how the hell are they going to cope with no traffic lights.
Aside, I wouldn't like it. The junction between Old Brompton Road and Exhibition Road would be awful every morning for me...
But it is anyways!
Did anyone watch Newsnight last night? Very interesting feature on an idea to abolish all traffic lights. Geezer reckons that when people are controlled by an unresponsive system, they end up driving dangerously. If, however, all the lights were taken away, people are forced to drive intuitively, and make their own judgement about when it is safe to move. Very interesting.
You can watch the feature here
You don't have to watch the whole show, just the "Call to abolish traffic lights" top right