• #2
Virtually all of them do, but it's expensive. The company I used to work for had a deal where it was £5 a package to send stuff, but more like £25 to do a pick up and return. I think you could try any of them, but not all of them will deal with you unless you have an account...
• #3
If you check out ebay there are loads of service for just this sort of thing. Check feedback, but I guess most are reliable. I used one once to pick up a table and chairs from Norfolk and bring to London.
• #4
if there is someone at other end to pack it then even parcelforce will do a pick up for you.
• #5
make creative send a push biker for it, make those lazy messengers work for a liveing, espicly if its furneture.
• #6
creatives # 020 7437 2724
that might be the push bike desk, and i dont think they will go to leads, but at least i got you a phone number.
• #7
fedex, ups, dhl, parcel force, any local courier company will all do it....google? Yell?
• #8
To be honest you may be better off with a company In Leeds as they may have regular runs to london.
I'm sure I heard recently that Courier companies do collection services i.e I have something in Leeds I need to pick up and can't get there myself. Can anyone give me a company name or tel. no. I can call to pickup and deliver to my home a package ?