I was just about to leave the house this morning - having listened to the wind howling all night - when I discovered that the fixed had a flat. With no time to change the tube, I opted for gears instead. This may be the first instance of good luck that I've ever experienced. The wind was enough to strip the skin off your face - real chin to handlebars weather. If I'd been stuck with 41 x 16, I'd still be on my way to work just now.
I was just about to leave the house this morning - having listened to the wind howling all night - when I discovered that the fixed had a flat. With no time to change the tube, I opted for gears instead. This may be the first instance of good luck that I've ever experienced. The wind was enough to strip the skin off your face - real chin to handlebars weather. If I'd been stuck with 41 x 16, I'd still be on my way to work just now.