Even though I'm in tropical Glasgow, I want to play just this once. In the bike shed at Gartnavel General - to my utter astonishment - a rather new-looking Condor Pista. Selle San Marco saddle; tiny little Cateye lights; looks like it's singlespeed rather than fixed. All this detail is superfluous, cos I've never seen one up here before. Who's the owner, eh? They're bound to find their way to this website eventually. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that they make it to page 27 of this thread. :-)
Even though I'm in tropical Glasgow, I want to play just this once. In the bike shed at Gartnavel General - to my utter astonishment - a rather new-looking Condor Pista. Selle San Marco saddle; tiny little Cateye lights; looks like it's singlespeed rather than fixed. All this detail is superfluous, cos I've never seen one up here before. Who's the owner, eh? They're bound to find their way to this website eventually. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that they make it to page 27 of this thread. :-)