BRM I can play too.
The day after the AGM drinkies, I too lost the front wheel on a manhole cover.
12 stitches above the eyebrow and a fair chunk of my face went missing. Lotsa blood.
The scar will be mint, though.
Oh dear, bad luck. You win, I can't stand blood I would've fainted... I'm used to broken bones being a skateboarder. My self medication took the form of Brandy and the odd spliff, painkillers stop things from healing properly. Or are those the kind you meant, Hippy?!
Oh dear, bad luck. You win, I can't stand blood I would've fainted... I'm used to broken bones being a skateboarder. My self medication took the form of Brandy and the odd spliff, painkillers stop things from healing properly. Or are those the kind you meant, Hippy?!