you are entitled to your opinion as i am mine only i didn't say you sounded like a dick.
middle class? depends how you define middle class? i grew up on a council estate (where my parents still live) had free school meals, never had a family holiday, picked potatoes in the summer holidays etc etc (walked 100miles every day to eat coal).
now i have some nice bikes, i drink champagne now and again, listen to radio4, holiday abroad and get my wine by the case. middle class? quite possibly but i didn't get there buying a lottery ticket every week and hoping to be famous one day.
Pigfarmer i find those figures shocking but sadly probaby true.
gambling is the governments next big revenue earner they realise that the revenue from tobacco is going down so they need to extract money from the masses some other way hence the deregulation and gambling law changes, casinos etc. gambling should be a bit of fun not a weekly pray and hope for a better life. the government wins both ways though, they abolished betting tax in 2001 subsequently helping the u.k on it's way to being the gambling capital of the world, gaining revenue through vat/corporation tax etc from the companies operating in the u.k instead of abroad and with the lottery getting the public to fund directly (while creaming a bit off the top) projects that many should be paid for by local/regional councils or government.
you are entitled to your opinion as i am mine only i didn't say you sounded like a dick.
middle class? depends how you define middle class? i grew up on a council estate (where my parents still live) had free school meals, never had a family holiday, picked potatoes in the summer holidays etc etc (walked 100miles every day to eat coal).
now i have some nice bikes, i drink champagne now and again, listen to radio4, holiday abroad and get my wine by the case. middle class? quite possibly but i didn't get there buying a lottery ticket every week and hoping to be famous one day.
Pigfarmer i find those figures shocking but sadly probaby true.
gambling is the governments next big revenue earner they realise that the revenue from tobacco is going down so they need to extract money from the masses some other way hence the deregulation and gambling law changes, casinos etc. gambling should be a bit of fun not a weekly pray and hope for a better life. the government wins both ways though, they abolished betting tax in 2001 subsequently helping the u.k on it's way to being the gambling capital of the world, gaining revenue through vat/corporation tax etc from the companies operating in the u.k instead of abroad and with the lottery getting the public to fund directly (while creaming a bit off the top) projects that many should be paid for by local/regional councils or government.