that borrow a bag scheme sounds wicked. I'd dearly love one of your bags but have only ever used Backpacks so dunno how I'd fair with a courier style bag. Trying one out first would be awesome. I'll be out of the country for a few more months and then not in London for a few months after that but yeah at some point I'd love to try one out for a week or so. Great advertising for your company too (I mean that in a "hey you got a new bag" "Nope just a loan from this guy who makes rad bags, check them out blah blah blah" although you could stick the web address on the bag or something).
that borrow a bag scheme sounds wicked. I'd dearly love one of your bags but have only ever used Backpacks so dunno how I'd fair with a courier style bag. Trying one out first would be awesome. I'll be out of the country for a few more months and then not in London for a few months after that but yeah at some point I'd love to try one out for a week or so. Great advertising for your company too (I mean that in a "hey you got a new bag" "Nope just a loan from this guy who makes rad bags, check them out blah blah blah" although you could stick the web address on the bag or something).