You can powdercoat in one layer to give a very glossy finish, you do not need to clear coat with powder to give a gloss finish (but if you do clear coat over gloss it gives a real deep shiny finish). But you won't get paint to stick over a smooth finish very well, and most paints will burn or react with a powder clear coat over the top.
I would go with powder coat the frame in your base colour, probably a nice gloss finish, your lugs are raised, so it would be easy to key them with say 300-600grit abrasive to give the lugs a matt lightly rough finish for paint to stick to (you can mask the main tubes to protect them while you sand the lugs). You should now be able to mask up the tubes and paint the lugs, I would use a std car paint (whatever your local motorfactors has) or enamel, both of those should stick reasonably well to the keyed lugs and not require a further top coat, you could clear coat them with a similar paint if you wanted, but personally I probably wouldn't. The other option would be to have armourtec do the base coat in powder, then powder the lugs, but wipe the excess powder off the tubes (its only stuck on by electrostatic charge so your basically dusting it off)and re-bake it to cure the lugs.
You can powdercoat in one layer to give a very glossy finish, you do not need to clear coat with powder to give a gloss finish (but if you do clear coat over gloss it gives a real deep shiny finish). But you won't get paint to stick over a smooth finish very well, and most paints will burn or react with a powder clear coat over the top.
I would go with powder coat the frame in your base colour, probably a nice gloss finish, your lugs are raised, so it would be easy to key them with say 300-600grit abrasive to give the lugs a matt lightly rough finish for paint to stick to (you can mask the main tubes to protect them while you sand the lugs). You should now be able to mask up the tubes and paint the lugs, I would use a std car paint (whatever your local motorfactors has) or enamel, both of those should stick reasonably well to the keyed lugs and not require a further top coat, you could clear coat them with a similar paint if you wanted, but personally I probably wouldn't. The other option would be to have armourtec do the base coat in powder, then powder the lugs, but wipe the excess powder off the tubes (its only stuck on by electrostatic charge so your basically dusting it off)and re-bake it to cure the lugs.