tomasito [quote]ibob tomasito: who's that on the pink/green fix? She bike-snobbed my mate at Ken's London Freewheel:
"nice fix"
"thanks, what's yours?" (looks interested)
"Condor parked over there"
"Condors are over-rated" (walks off...)
He's still sore about that...
She has a point...!
; )
although now it's ; )
Real name em I believe[/quote]
WHHHHAATT that's not what happened at all : )tee hee -you the guys who asked to take a pic???
we were just talking and i said that i thought condors where a little over-rated...... i then said what do you ride??? he said a condour so i laughed and said sorry.
say sorry. i didnt even see his bike. he seemed like a nice guy though tee hee
She has a point...!
; )
although now it's ; )
Real name em I believe[/quote]
WHHHHAATT that's not what happened at all : )tee hee -you the guys who asked to take a pic???
we were just talking and i said that i thought condors where a little over-rated...... i then said what do you ride??? he said a condour so i laughed and said sorry.
say sorry. i didnt even see his bike. he seemed like a nice guy though tee hee