BringMeMyFix [quote]photoben Some ss who slipstreamed me the length of the isle of dogs this morning. I was not best pleased. And called me an arsehole when I spat out a build up of plehm. If you are reading this - if I wanted to hit you I would have gobbed over my head and you would have had a faceful.
Slipstreamers - if you can keep up with me (not hard), why not cycle alongside me and we can chat about how great bikes are.
I don't really have a problem with giving people a wheel, or latching on to theirs. And I love a bit of bit-and-bit/through-and-off. As long as it's all done with due care, attention, and anticipatory prowess, I'm all for it. Sometimes riding two abreast is awkward or provocative, and sometimes I don't really feel like chatting bike shit with relative strangers.
So clearly we already have a spectrum of opinion forming...[/quote]
I hate it when people sit just right of my back wheel - just where i can't veer right to avoid parked cars for fear of hitting them. i only get pissed off with people drafting me when they complain that i don't have race guards on - which is rarely in rainy times of year - "don't f£$!ING draft me if you're getting sprayed!"
I only draft if I'm in a peloton personally. Don't want to have to guess when people will brake.
I don't really have a problem with giving people a wheel, or latching on to theirs. And I love a bit of bit-and-bit/through-and-off. As long as it's all done with due care, attention, and anticipatory prowess, I'm all for it. Sometimes riding two abreast is awkward or provocative, and sometimes I don't really feel like chatting bike shit with relative strangers.
So clearly we already have a spectrum of opinion forming...[/quote]
I hate it when people sit just right of my back wheel - just where i can't veer right to avoid parked cars for fear of hitting them. i only get pissed off with people drafting me when they complain that i don't have race guards on - which is rarely in rainy times of year - "don't f£$!ING draft me if you're getting sprayed!"
I only draft if I'm in a peloton personally. Don't want to have to guess when people will brake.