• #27
hassanr now the real question is why is it that every single time i get on the pavement for 10 meters at about 2mph to get to my door, there's a cop waiting there to yell at me and threaten me, but the local yokels on holloway road can ride in groups of up to 8 at about 15mph for as long as they want, and i've not once seen them even get harrassed for it. and they are actually posing a danger. anyone?
Your sargent has told you that there have been numeous complaints of bikes on the pavement in your locality - the complaints are more than likely about the gangs of kids doing 15mph through the shoppers.
You - PC hassanr - are told to crack down on this kind of thing when you see it.
You are an easier target than the gangs of pavement monkeys.
• #28
fair enough, that makes sense. but i don't have to like it.
• #29
hassanr fair enough, that makes sense. but i don't have to like it.
One other thing:
While adults are not allowed to cycle on 'footpaths' (see definitions above), children up to the age of 16 cannot be prosecuted for doing so, see text above for clarification.
• #30
Somewhere in London there's an old lady being robbed, some kid being stabbed.. and Bobby P'liceman is picking on the evil dastardly cyclists..
• #31
Riding on the footpath/pavement is a summary offence triable at magistrates court only. Therefore, it is not a recordable offence as defined by the Rehabilitation of Oddenders Act. As such, no you do not get a criminal record, no more then you would if you are done for speeding, red traffic light etc.
However, if you are stopped and have the offence pointed out you become arrestable (S25 PACE 84) if you fail to give your details, or it is reasonably suspected that your details are false/incorrect.
If stopped be polite, say nothing except to give your details, show some form of ID with an address then ask:
"Am I under arrest?"If the answer is no, then immediatly leave.
You are not obliged to answer questions, even though the wording of the police caution infers that you are.
• #32
Thaf should read "Rehabillitation of Offenders".
I have no idea what an "Oddender" is.Toodle pip
• #33
I give up
• #34
markrjohnson I give up
Don't we can work through this! Just give me one more chance.
• #35
Know your rights... all three of them.
• #36
SküllheadWilderness Know your rights... all three of them.
Run - fight - acquiesce.
• #37
Wrong way round.
Fight, run, (then if caught) acquiese
Toodle pip.
• #38
markrjohnson Riding on the footpath/pavement is a summary offence triable at magistrates court only. Therefore, it is not a recordable offence as defined by the Rehabilitation of Oddenders Act. As such, no you do not get a criminal record, no more then you would if you are done for speeding, red traffic light etc.
However, if you are stopped and have the offence pointed out you become arrestable (S25 PACE 84) if you fail to give your details, or it is reasonably suspected that your details are false/incorrect.
If stopped be polite, say nothing except to give your details, show some form of ID with an address then ask:
"Am I under arrest?"If the answer is no, then immediatly leave.
You are not obliged to answer questions, even though the wording of the police caution infers that you are.
round of applause
That seems clear. You a legal bod, or just Joe Interested?
• #39
Lets just say that I have come over from the Dark Side.
Toodle pip
• #40
• #41
Not even close.
Try again.
• #42
MrSmith just ask them either of these questions
"how long are you going to detain me?"
"am i free to go?"unless they are going to arrest you there's no point standing there arguing the toss.
I know you said the PCSO had a proper copper with him but it's also worth remembering PCSOs have no power of arrest, this being said, I don't know exactly how this works, but they can legitimately hold/detain you for up to 20 minutes while they wait for a proper copper to come and arrest you. An interesting question, which I've yet to find even a police man who answer is, if there's more than one of them, can they hold you sequentially, i.e one holds you for 20 minutes then the other holds you for another 20 minutes or does it have to be concurrently, i.e. no matter how many of them there are, they can only hold/detain you for 20 minutes.
If it's sequentially, what amount of time has to elapse before they can hold/detain you again, or can one hold/detain you for 20 minutes, then the other for another 20 minutes, the the first for another 20 minutes and so on. I know this all sounds very silly, but it seem's a very poorly devised piece of law, also irritating as some police men can be, there are times when you need them when it can be very handy to have them around and I'd far rather have a proper full blown police man than a whole gaggle of half-arsed, wannabe but am not quite a proper police man PCSO.
One last thought if approached by a difficult PCSO, as they don't have power of arrest, challenge him (or her) to arrest you, hope they do and if they do sue for wrongful/unlawful arrest and lots and lots of compensation!!! Well, maybe.
• #43
Meanwhile you lose your job for being late and/or arrested and have to wait 5 years for the court case to settle.. but you lose the case and then have to pay thousands in legal costs.. you are now bankrupt and homeless, wearing a Rapha cap, wandering the streets during the early hours, threatening to jump on people's bikes if they don't let you ride them..
• #44
markrjohnson Not even close.
Try again.
are you/were you....a lawyer?
candlestick maker?
rich man?
poor man?
beggar man?THIEF?
• #45
Full run down of PCSO powers to detain can be found here.
Toodle pip
• #46
RPM [quote]markrjohnson Not even close.
Try again.
are you/were you....a lawyer?
candlestick maker?
rich man?
poor man?
beggar man?THIEF?[/quote]
Ohhhh scratch my eyes out!
Lets say that I worked in social dynamic adjustment.
Now (once the broken arm has healed), I ride my SS Sunn.
Toodle pip.
• #47
"social dynamic adjustment"
are you dame shirley porter?
is your reall name Gerry Mander?
• #48
- I don't have dame shirley's money (apperently she does't either, if you believe that!)
- Tom and Gerry would be nearer.
But I do ride a 44/16
Toodle pip
- I don't have dame shirley's money (apperently she does't either, if you believe that!)
• #49
why are you ending everything with toodle pip?
are you making up for the fact that we can't use signatures on fgss?
• #50
markrjohnson Lets say that I worked in social dynamic adjustment.
You were a judge in the court of appeal?
That's what I am talking about ! :)
Can I get a 'Hell Yeah !'