London live DJ Robert Elms, on air today, when asked what he wanted for christmas replied "a fixed gear bicycle would be VERY good"
The march of the fakengers has begun in earnest, even middle aged wealthy men are doing it.
the only reasons I ride a fixed are:
it's fucking cheap.
it's fucking easier to ride (in traffic, in the wet and up the small hills we have in London).
and I was doing it before it got fashionable, ain't I the daddy.
my penis is bigger than the millenium dome.
London live DJ Robert Elms, on air today, when asked what he wanted for christmas replied "a fixed gear bicycle would be VERY good"
The march of the fakengers has begun in earnest, even middle aged wealthy men are doing it.
the only reasons I ride a fixed are:
it's fucking cheap.
it's fucking easier to ride (in traffic, in the wet and up the small hills we have in London).
and I was doing it before it got fashionable, ain't I the daddy.
my penis is bigger than the millenium dome.