I ordered a load of stuff there a couple of weeks ago, including a track pump, so they sent it with City Link, who for some reason claimed to have attempted delivery 5 days in a row and left cards, but they never left cards, or buzzed the buzzer. So after some fighty emails with wiggle, wiggle got city link to return to sender and wiggle said I'd get my money back. But I am still waiting for my refund.
I ordered a load of stuff there a couple of weeks ago, including a track pump, so they sent it with City Link, who for some reason claimed to have attempted delivery 5 days in a row and left cards, but they never left cards, or buzzed the buzzer. So after some fighty emails with wiggle, wiggle got city link to return to sender and wiggle said I'd get my money back. But I am still waiting for my refund.
So it's CRC for me for online stuff now.