nimhbus [quote]Soweto888 [quote]nimhbus two hoods with one dummy lever looks just fine..
We'll agree to disagree... :-P[/quote]
how can you tell one is a dummy, then, without first inspecting the backwheel? eh?[/quote]
Oh, a dummy hood AND lever... Hm, I'd never considered that. Doesn't the cableless lever rattle about when the road surface gets bad?
juliettyspaghetty Would it look wierd with just one of those?
I reckon it looks fine.
Which is more than can be said for the carpet. To be honest, I was thinking more about how my hands would feel on the bars when I decided to go for this sort of set up. It thought about going for drops with a dummy hood on the non-brake side. Then I got all worried about how the position of the brakeless left hand would feel radically different to that of the right. Now I still don't know if this would have upset me in the real world, but it caused no end of distress in my head.
I dunno. Maybe the best way to go about this is to experiment on other folks' bikes. Ask friendly strangers if you can test out their bars. It's the only way to know for sure.
We'll agree to disagree... :-P[/quote]
how can you tell one is a dummy, then, without first inspecting the backwheel? eh?[/quote]
Oh, a dummy hood AND lever... Hm, I'd never considered that. Doesn't the cableless lever rattle about when the road surface gets bad?
I reckon it looks fine.
Which is more than can be said for the carpet. To be honest, I was thinking more about how my hands would feel on the bars when I decided to go for this sort of set up. It thought about going for drops with a dummy hood on the non-brake side. Then I got all worried about how the position of the brakeless left hand would feel radically different to that of the right. Now I still don't know if this would have upset me in the real world, but it caused no end of distress in my head.
I dunno. Maybe the best way to go about this is to experiment on other folks' bikes. Ask friendly strangers if you can test out their bars. It's the only way to know for sure.