Usually a couple of hour long lectures in the morning. 6 hours of lab time a week (two 3 hour sessions), 3 hours of tutorials in which you get grilled on the lecture stuff, 1 hour philosophy lectures (I chose to do it), 1.5 hours maths lab a week.
Tomorrow I've got a 10am lecture on "chemical equilibria and thermodynamics" then 11am "atomic structure" which is basically quantum theory. Then I'll spend my afternoon writing a lab report from last friday....
I like it :) especially the labs. In my fourth year I'll be doing my own research. philosophy keeps me on my toes mentally as well, you have to think in a different way. I did it at A level so I've got an advantage over everyone else :)
What is that like? - the work I mean...[/quote]
Usually a couple of hour long lectures in the morning. 6 hours of lab time a week (two 3 hour sessions), 3 hours of tutorials in which you get grilled on the lecture stuff, 1 hour philosophy lectures (I chose to do it), 1.5 hours maths lab a week.
Tomorrow I've got a 10am lecture on "chemical equilibria and thermodynamics" then 11am "atomic structure" which is basically quantum theory. Then I'll spend my afternoon writing a lab report from last friday....
I like it :) especially the labs. In my fourth year I'll be doing my own research. philosophy keeps me on my toes mentally as well, you have to think in a different way. I did it at A level so I've got an advantage over everyone else :)