I have one of the Kryptonite New York Chain s (a metre long version) theyre not /that/ heavy, and the key has a nice little light on it for something. Dont get old stock though, the ones from about a year or so ago had locks that could be opened with a biro.
And Re. the angle-grinding, I had to angle-grind mine a few months ago as the key broke in the lock (oil your locks!!!) and it was attached to this massive lamp-post and my bike, in whitechapel. Luckily there is a bell-maker's near and they helped me with the angle-grinding, it took 20 minutes tho. Not many people carry angle-grinders too. I heard that you can freeze them and smash them - dont know if it's true. Hacksaws and bolt-cutters dont even scratch the metal on a kryptonite though, theyre great...as long as you dont have to cut through one, as it is a complete pain in the arse to do.
...one bad thing is that the protective cover comes off pretty much straight away, but it can be replaced with a mtb inner-tube (top-tip!!)
I have one of the Kryptonite New York Chain s (a metre long version) theyre not /that/ heavy, and the key has a nice little light on it for something. Dont get old stock though, the ones from about a year or so ago had locks that could be opened with a biro.
And Re. the angle-grinding, I had to angle-grind mine a few months ago as the key broke in the lock (oil your locks!!!) and it was attached to this massive lamp-post and my bike, in whitechapel. Luckily there is a bell-maker's near and they helped me with the angle-grinding, it took 20 minutes tho. Not many people carry angle-grinders too. I heard that you can freeze them and smash them - dont know if it's true. Hacksaws and bolt-cutters dont even scratch the metal on a kryptonite though, theyre great...as long as you dont have to cut through one, as it is a complete pain in the arse to do.
...one bad thing is that the protective cover comes off pretty much straight away, but it can be replaced with a mtb inner-tube (top-tip!!)