drinking with friends out in the two floor bar on kingly st, left bike double locked outside club on the other side of the road, and man with angle grinder went through both locks, came out to check bike was still there to discover bike wasn't. Fear in heart, where's my fucking bike went upto bouncer outside club to be pointed to man who pushed up doors of big garage/warehouse area to show bike safe and sound minus locks. Sign saying don't lock bikes to these railings not in direct line of sight so locked bikes to railings unaware said bike would be angle ground away at property owners convenience. So bike is now in my fucking house and locks are now required so bike can be ridden from house to various locales in london.
drinking with friends out in the two floor bar on kingly st, left bike double locked outside club on the other side of the road, and man with angle grinder went through both locks, came out to check bike was still there to discover bike wasn't. Fear in heart, where's my fucking bike went upto bouncer outside club to be pointed to man who pushed up doors of big garage/warehouse area to show bike safe and sound minus locks. Sign saying don't lock bikes to these railings not in direct line of sight so locked bikes to railings unaware said bike would be angle ground away at property owners convenience. So bike is now in my fucking house and locks are now required so bike can be ridden from house to various locales in london.