Title page
-I would make the 'F' on the title a normal F rather than stretching it out. It makes the kerning awful and the actual title not immediately clear.
"Issue 1" should be made smaller and moved somewhere more conspicuous.
In my opinion type should not be altered (i.e stretched, tilted) in anyway so the bottom wording should be altered.
The picture is too dark, though it is interesting.
Contents page
I like the large picture but the type seems slightly clunky, perhaps placing the type over the picture?
The grey bar at the bottom is not needed, it takes up too much space and would detract from any pictures you have in the future.
You don't need the issue number at the bottom of the page.
Sorry I hope I have not been too harsh. I like the concept it just needs refining. Good luck
Title page
-I would make the 'F' on the title a normal F rather than stretching it out. It makes the kerning awful and the actual title not immediately clear.
Contents page
Sorry I hope I have not been too harsh. I like the concept it just needs refining. Good luck