MrSmith you would say that as you work for hasselblad :-) i know 1 imacon owner for every 8 phase one owner.
photographers don't invest £18k on something that's shit.
and why does the pro-center (hassleblad uk) now hire out a p45 back? they'll be hiring arrospokes next :-)
Haha thats funny they've had 2 p45+'s for two months and they just sit on the shelve. By the way I don't shoot digital I still prefer film. (5x4, 10x8)
We did a test with the leaf, phase and Hasselblad backs With people from Leaf and Hasselblad (Phase would not come) and everyone agreed that the blad back was better quality, the Leaf was faster and the Phase was way shit.
Haha thats funny they've had 2 p45+'s for two months and they just sit on the shelve. By the way I don't shoot digital I still prefer film. (5x4, 10x8)
We did a test with the leaf, phase and Hasselblad backs With people from Leaf and Hasselblad (Phase would not come) and everyone agreed that the blad back was better quality, the Leaf was faster and the Phase was way shit.