BringMeMyFix I've 'interrupted' my degree (probably permanently) and have a job interview on Friday. If I'm the successful applicant, it would mean walking to work.
I'm worried it could lead to a downward trend in my mental health... unless I get up early and throw in a few laps of Regents Park Outer Circle, or a token ascent of a North London col :S
Does anyone on here NOT commute by bicycle to work/college?
I'm in the same situation (well the next step, I got the job and am waiting to start). Mainly I'm thinking I'll turn left out of the gate (homes right). I reckon it'll be at least another 2 -3 mile for that "mistake" alone. Who knows how many more mistakes I could make in my navigation...
I'm in the same situation (well the next step, I got the job and am waiting to start). Mainly I'm thinking I'll turn left out of the gate (homes right). I reckon it'll be at least another 2 -3 mile for that "mistake" alone. Who knows how many more mistakes I could make in my navigation...