winston I can do all of that on my smartphone, plus edit and create word and excel, view, edit and create photos and movies, full wifi, web-browsing, unlimited pop3 accounts, gmail, hotmail, bluetooth, hundreds of pocketpc games and 3rd party software available, wifi skype (with my dad in America and so many wifi hotspots it's like having a free mobile phone service!), google maps and a qwerty keyboard!!...oh yeah mp3 player cost 49 quid on a 35 quid a month, 12 month orange contract which include 10mb of data 500mins and unlimited text I still don't get the Apple thing.....Caspar's can do all that and it's got GPS built in that Apple.
I can also do all of this (except the phone bit !!) - but all the hotmail, gmail etc etc over wi-fi for free on my ipod touch - no charge, no bills, no nothing ! :)
I can also do all of this (except the phone bit !!) - but all the hotmail, gmail etc etc over wi-fi for free on my ipod touch - no charge, no bills, no nothing ! :)