thanks alot for that reply!!!! super long/good info. i have always loved the single speed 'simple/pure look' . my friend is very very much into bikes and is always pushing me towards lug work,steel frames etc etc,but to be fair i love the smooth simple/over size frames and for some reason the bare knuckle floats my boat-i have ridden a condor,langster and a dolan so far. i think your right-in that i will upgrade over time-but i just need a fixed wheel bike asap-as i rode one the other weekend and just loved it!!! -tho i walked like john wayne when i got off it -thinking i should be putting pressure to slow down! lol :)
i do like looking at some of the gallerys of the full on courier types- wild wild bunch of guys/girls :)
thanks alot for that reply!!!! super long/good info. i have always loved the single speed 'simple/pure look' . my friend is very very much into bikes and is always pushing me towards lug work,steel frames etc etc,but to be fair i love the smooth simple/over size frames and for some reason the bare knuckle floats my boat-i have ridden a condor,langster and a dolan so far. i think your right-in that i will upgrade over time-but i just need a fixed wheel bike asap-as i rode one the other weekend and just loved it!!! -tho i walked like john wayne when i got off it -thinking i should be putting pressure to slow down! lol :)
i do like looking at some of the gallerys of the full on courier types- wild wild bunch of guys/girls :)
thanks again for all your comments