i'm mid way through converting an old dawes galaxy to a spare fixed bike. So far i've removed the gears, taken off the 5speed freewheel and replaced it with a single speed one, re-dished the wheel, shortened the chain and removed one of the front cogs.
here is a pic:
however I now need a new pair of wheels as the current 27inch ones have whats been termed a "suicide hub' if I want to fixify my ride.
what's the cheapest/easiest way of doing this?
I tried a pair of 700cc ones from my other bike in it and they look like the front brake would reach, but the axle was too fat to fit in?
I'm guessing 700cc wheels with fixed or flipflop hubs are going to be easier to find than 27" ones. anyone got any spare?
i'm mid way through converting an old dawes galaxy to a spare fixed bike. So far i've removed the gears, taken off the 5speed freewheel and replaced it with a single speed one, re-dished the wheel, shortened the chain and removed one of the front cogs.
here is a pic:
however I now need a new pair of wheels as the current 27inch ones have whats been termed a "suicide hub' if I want to fixify my ride.
what's the cheapest/easiest way of doing this?
I tried a pair of 700cc ones from my other bike in it and they look like the front brake would reach, but the axle was too fat to fit in?
I'm guessing 700cc wheels with fixed or flipflop hubs are going to be easier to find than 27" ones. anyone got any spare?