Some say six days are fixed (shit the secrets outta the bag!)
those extra long trackstands are part of the choreagraphed "show" planning of the whole event too....they even had the music ready...and it's odd that that puny little Rene Wulf (a German) beat Chris Germany!......
trackstands like that don't happen in UCI championships and World Cups anymore (sadly) because they've banned track stands over a certain amount of time...30secs I think....unless they've gone ahead and banned them outright!......this is probably down to scheduling reasons as much as anything....
Some say six days are fixed (shit the secrets outta the bag!)
those extra long trackstands are part of the choreagraphed "show" planning of the whole event too....they even had the music ready...and it's odd that that puny little Rene Wulf (a German) beat Chris Germany!......
trackstands like that don't happen in UCI championships and World Cups anymore (sadly) because they've banned track stands over a certain amount of time...30secs I think....unless they've gone ahead and banned them outright!......this is probably down to scheduling reasons as much as anything....