As soon as it rains the traffic becomes a nightmare in london, and i dont get why - it's like as soon as i get wet i become completely invisible to all motorists. I could understand pedestrians marching out into the middle of the road while raining but its cars/buses/taxis/foxtons/posties that are giving me the most trouble, and that's with front and rear lights and a yellow "pretendy-high-visibility-but-actually-just-yellow-from-american-apparel" jacket on.
As soon as it rains the traffic becomes a nightmare in london, and i dont get why - it's like as soon as i get wet i become completely invisible to all motorists. I could understand pedestrians marching out into the middle of the road while raining but its cars/buses/taxis/foxtons/posties that are giving me the most trouble, and that's with front and rear lights and a yellow "pretendy-high-visibility-but-actually-just-yellow-from-american-apparel" jacket on.